how offline marketing works with online marketing

Many people wonder whether offline marketing still works, or if it’s best to focus solely on online marketing. Offline marketing is usually seen as a more traditional method of marketing your company and website, so it’s easy to make the mistake of saying it’s not needed anymore. But we explain how both offline and online marketing work together to help your business or charity achieves success…
what is offline marketing?
Offline marketing is marketing that doesn’t make use of the internet. For example, by advertising in magazines or on billboards, or by handing out paper flyers. Although most people use the internet, offline marketing can help you reach a wider audience by finding those without online access. It may also help to target people who are not specifically seeking your services or who are not aware of your company.
what is online marketing?
Online marketing makes use of the internet – for example, through e-newsletters, social media, blogs, search engine optimisation (SEO) or Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. Online marketing pushes your website digitally – it helps create an online community and gives you instant analytics in terms of who your audience is, where they are from and what they are interested in.
online and offline marketing as a team
As with any team, each member has its own role to play. Your website is typically considered your number one marketing tool. Most people who want to know more about your organisation, services, products or events will at some point visit your website for information, contact details and so on. But to get people there, combining online and offline marketing gives the greatest reach.
Your website and social media details needs to be shared as widely as possible. Imagine you are at a trade show and are handing out business cards, flyers and booklets for potential customers/supporters to take away. How are they going to find out more about you? Where can they go to keep in contact with you? By providing this online information, you give your audience the option to follow you, subscribe, or simply to just find out more information.
If you have a particular event or product you want to promote, you can also try using tracked links (for example, via on your offline marketing information. This will help you establish how people have reached your link and which offline marketing strategies were most effective.
A key point is to make sure your offline and online marketing match. Consistency is key to helping your audience register your brand. If you have straplines, keywords or important messages, make sure they appear both online and offline. The look, feel and tone of your marketing should also be the same across channels.
in conclusion
It’s not time to rule out all that is offline. It’s still possible to use the power of offline marketing to empower your online marketing and give you greater reach with a larger audience.
If you’d like support with online or offline marketing, our on-demand services are flexible and cost-effective – get in touch for more information.